Anna Cavazzini re-elected Chair of Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee

European Parliament
23.07.2024 / 12:16

At the constitutive meeting on Tuesday, the Internal Market Committee members elected their new Chair and four Vice-Chairs for the next two and half years.


Following her appointment by acclamation, Anna Cavazzini (Greens/EFA, Germany) said:


“The Internal Market Committee is central to driving forward the green and digital transitions. I look forward to continuing to work as Chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee to make the single market fit for the challenges of our time, so that people, businesses and the planet benefit. Consumer protection is the interface between the EU and its citizens. We need to update our high European consumer standards and make them fit for the digital world”.


Ms Cavazzini also served as the Chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee during the last term, since 26 October 2020.


Four Vice-Chairs


Members of the IMCO committee also elected four Vice-Chairs for the next two and a half years:


1st Vice-Chair: Christian Doleschal (EPP, Germany) - by acclamation


2nd Vice-Chair: Nikola Minchev (Renew, Bulgaria) - by acclamation


3rd Vice-Chair: Maria Grapini (S&D, Romania) - by acclamation


4th Vice-Chair: Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz (EPP, Poland) - by acclamation


Main responsibilities of the committee bureau


In addition to leading committee and coordinators’ meetings, the Chair represents the committee both within and outside Parliament and presides over legislative negotiations led by the committee. The Chair also has authority over voting procedures and rules on the admissibility of amendments.


Like the Parliament’s Bureau (made up of the President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors), and taking into account the particularities of committee work, committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs are responsible for their respective committee’s smooth functioning. They hold office for two and a half years.


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